Quartz Rock
Quartz is the most common rock-forming mineral which
is also the one of the most important constituents of earth’s crust, it is made
up of silicon dioxide, SiO2. There are several
varieties of quartz, in which several of them are semi-precious gemstones. they
have crystal shape, basically in quartz
crystals they are twinned, disorted. Quartz occupies the lowest potential to
weather but it is resistance to erosion so it is very common mainly in stream
sediments and in residual soils. Quartz is common in sedimentary rocks such as
sandstone, slale and they are also present in variable amounts as an assessor
mineral mainly in most carbonate rocks. Quartz crystals which occurs naturally
in nature have extremely high purity, which is necessary for crucibles and other
equipments for silicon wafers in semiconductors industries, basically they are
expensive and rare. Quartz are colorless as well as colored, the most common
color are white or cloudy of milky quartz, purple of Amethyst, pink of rose quartz, gray or brown to black of
smoky quartz are few of the most common in it, they cryptocrystalline varieties
can be multicolored and can be translucent or opaque, the cryptocrystalline forms are mainly waxy to
dull but they can be vitreous.The cleavage is very weak. Quartz are basically
used in making sandpaper, glasses, cement, mortar, optics, computer, as quartz crystal
is piezoelectric means when an electrical current passes through them they
vibrates a small amount that’s why it is also used in watches and clocks also, mainly
tourmaline crystals are used in watches also uses in switches and for making
jewely. to read more info about quartz, see at
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